
5 things to Know When You Switch from Beginner to Intermediate

  It takes practice to figure out whether a song will be higher, higher, or highest in pitch. For beginners, the methods we are learning now are the best way to learn how songs are made. 1. You need to listen to the song at least three times for it to have an impact! 2. Please try to sing or whistle the melody while the song is playing. 3. After learning how to sing the melody, one can try playing it on piano using trial and error. 4. When we reach this point, we will know how music is organized. You can then use that knowledge to create a basic chord progression for your song. Building on the previous skills, you'll see that it's really not difficult to play at church. 5. After learning a bunch of songs sequentially, our ears will start to develop in a way that lets us identify the pitches of a note or chord. Once we reach this level, we're considered an intermediate performers.

Twipiano - the luxury of learning piano from home

Twipiano is a new online piano course that teaches you how to play the piano from the basics. In this course, students can learn how to play the piano using the Twi language, which make it simple and easy to learn. Beginner-friendly Twipiano has been designed for beginners with the goal of making the process of piano learning fast, easy, and fun. Video lessons twice a week Each week, Twipiano will send you 2 interactive video lessons. You can watch them on any device at any time in your own time without any pressure and it's great for all ages. Learn all about the piano Learning with Twipiano is all about understanding what's under your fingers. We will teach you in easy-to-understand language (Twi). You also get access to all our secrets and techniques in piano, so that you can start playing music in no time! Affordable The best thing about it is the monthly pricing which lets you pay as little as GHS21/month, which is really affordable. Join the Group Today! All you have to d

Yamaha's Chord Tracker app is perfect for pianists who want to learn their favorite songs and progress more quickly. Learn more about this popular app below.

  Introduction: What is the Yamaha Chord Tracker App? The Yamaha Chord Tracker App is a music production software and chord finder app that provides you with all the chords you need to know to practice any song. The App is available for both iOS and Android. The app provides its users with chords for almost any type of song, such as reggae, highlife, adowa, adwagya and more. It’s easy to use as it comes with a clear interface. It also allows you to search chords by name or by type of chord. This is helpful because many musicians find themselves not knowing what type of chord they are playing or looking for the perfect chord progression for a given song idea they have in mind. 6 Reasons Why You Should Have The Yamaha Chord Tracker App The Yamaha Chord Tracker is a software for pianist who want to expand their repertoire. It can produce chords for you, letting you play any song. 1. The Yamaha Chord Tracker lets you change the key of the song you are playing at any time, giving your piano

The Complete Guide to How to Make Bass Lines with Chords

Introduction: Why You Should Be Using Bass Lines in Your Songs Bass guitar is an integral part of modern music. It's the driving force of funk, rock, jazz, and country. Bass lines are often overlooked in favor of lead or rhythm guitars. Historically, bass players have been relegated to the background in much the same way that drummers are still sometimes marginalized in modern music even though they provide a crucial rhythmic element. The use of bass guitar in popular music has increased over time, especially with groups like The Beatles who used it as a key component of their sound. But despite bands like The Beatles and Led Zeppelin making use of bass guitar in their songs, many songwriters still do not include them in the compositions they write for others to play or sing on stage - which is why you should make sure to include them in your songs! Chords Create the Foundation of Your Song But What About the Bass Line? The bass line in a song is the backbone and it helps to determ

A Beginner's Guide to Learning Piano and How To Stick With It

  Introduction: Why Should I Learn to Play the Piano and What Can I Expect in the Process? Learning to play the piano can be a frustrating process of trial and error for many people. The learning curve can be steep, and it is easy to get discouraged. But if you stick with it, the rewards of playing the piano will make all of those frustrations worth it. If you are thinking that learning to play the piano may not be for you, then let me tell you that there are many benefits that come with learning this instrument. The first step in any process is preparation and research before diving right in. Learning how to play the piano is no different. There are a lot of things to consider before signing up for your first lesson, such as where do I live? Do I have enough space at home? Can I afford lessons? How To Get Motivated and Stay Consistent When Learning The Piano Motivation is often the biggest challenge for people who would like to learn the piano. The motivation to continue practicing fa

The Struggles of Learning to Play the Piano With Both Hands

  The two hand piano method is often seen as the best way to learn how to play the piano. It is a very difficult task, but mastering the skill has a lot of benefits for players. The one-handed method might be easier for beginners, but it doesn't offer the same benefits as the two hand method. A pianist who learns with this method will have to relearn everything when they switch hands because each hand is used for different things. How to play with both hands on piano The act of playing the piano with both hands is called the "full keyboard technique". This can be done by using one hand to play the black keys and the other hand to play the white keys. When you play the piano, it is important to use both hands. It's the only instrument that you can't master with just one hand. One hand plays the melody while the other hand supports it with the chords that accompany the melody and rhythm. This technique was first recorded in 1857 when John Thomas composed an imprompt

Should You Play the Piano? What You Need to Know

  1. Why Learn to Play the Piano Keyboard? Learning to play the piano is a great skill to have, whether you want to be a professional pianist, or just want to play for your own enjoyment. The piano has been around in one form or another for more than 200 years and it will continue to be an important instrument in the future because of its versatility. The piano is a versatile instrument. It can sound like many other instruments, such as the harpsichord, clavichord, pipe organ, or celesta. It also can produce percussive sounds and special effects like thunderstorms and bird songs. It's not necessary to know how to read a music score while playing the piano. The most challenging way is through memorization of melodies by ear or from sheet music with minimal glances at the written notes. 2. How Can Enhance Your Life (and Career!) Learning to play piano can be the foundation for a fulfilling life. You learn how to express yourself in a way that's unique to you and that you can conn